Sunday, December 31, 2006

a more devoted life.
what does that look like?

honor/ reverence
choosing Christ first and only Him.
Choosing His ways before mine
putting others first
sharing my belongings OR relinquishing ownership
to Give accordingly
to let go of all that I know is mine and to take hood of that which is in and of Christ Jesus.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

wow, so i was just reading back into my posts from august.. wow.. i was reminded of the importance of writing of recording your thoughts on paper (or computer).. its such an encouragment when you are not feeling in the right place...

it helps me to remember my direction when i loose sight of it..

since quiting my job, and the park event i have felt off key and i think i am just beginning to step back into balance...

i really need to come online more and record my thoughts.. i have so much to say especially about the whole spirit and truth that i talk about in sept 13th's entry

merry christmas all
and blessings to you this new year coming...

what will be the goal for next year?

Monday, December 18, 2006

so i am really sick these days.. (almost a week now) and i dont usually get sick that often, its been 2 years since i have been this sick.. and every day its been really different.. fever, swollen tonsils, stomach ache, diarrhea, etc.. the timing is really interesting to this new job that i got.. and i find it weird and wonder if i am not supposed to be working at this job.. i am so confused and do not feel settled on this decision.. and find it very hard to continue working there. my roommate got me this job as well rent is due shortly and i do not have enough to cover the costs,.. and therefore feel obligated to work.. God please help me?