Saturday, November 04, 2006


new goal: on the first day of each week i am planning to give away one thing. something from my room that i am not in need of anymore and that someone else is in need of.

Friday, November 03, 2006

so after this mornings daily reading i feel like i should be planting a church.. ouch,.. hmm.. that is way too big.. am i just pushing for bigger things? bigger and better? more and more.. am i getting addicted to this or is my focus still in the right area? i have such a heart for people and bringing life and energy to stuff.. would that mean i would have to go back to school.. study theology? i really dont think this is what God is trying to tell me.. but it really didnt feel like an impossible thing for me when the thought first came to me.

my heart is really really growing for this (my) neighbourhood these days.. i was telling a friend yesterday how it took about a year before my bedroom and apartment felt like home.. but now going on the 3rd winter living in this same place i am beginning to feel like this neighbourhood is really my home.. like i want to dig it up from the depths to see what is buried - to engage with people - to joke with the drunk old men - to hug the women - to bring life and energy.. to them and to me.. i dont want to be another shane claiborne.. (not that that would be a bad thing) but i want to be more of me.. as i was reading his book i kept asking myself - what does this look like in my neighbourhood? what does this look like for me? well i think the answer is starting to be revealed to me... i think even at the right time i will get a job working in the area to meet more people that way.. we shall see..